How to get the hardware ID

Applies to
All ApexSQL commercial applications

This article describes how to get your hardware ID

To get your hardware ID, initiate the ‘Activation Form’ by clicking on the ‘Activate’ button in the ‘Resources’ tab in the application menu; or – if you’re using the trial version of an ApexSQL tool – click on the ‘Activate’ option that will show upon starting the application.

Hardware ID will show in the ‘Activation Form’, and you can use the copy button on the right to copy it.

How to automate and schedule CLI execution with Task Scheduler

Applies to
All ApexSQL console applications with Command line interfaces (CLI)

This article describes how to schedule ApexSQL tool tasks to run unattended, overnight, etc., using Task Scheduler and a PowerShell script (.ps1 file) that automates ApexSQL Diff, via the command line interface