Applies to
ApexSQL Diff and ApexSQL Diff for MySQL
This article explains the ApexSQL Diff CLI switches, and their usage through the examples
- [1] Switch is only applicable for ApexSQL Diff
- [2] Switch is only applicable for ApexSQL Diff for MySQL
Connection switches
/server1 | Specifies server and instance name of the source SQL/MySQL instance Alias: /s1 Format: /server1:server_name[\instance_name] |
/server2 | Specifies server and instance name of the destination SQL/MySQL instance Alias: /s2 Format: /server2:server_name[\instance_name] |
Quick tip: If a Server is not specified “(local)” instance is assumed. |
/database1 | Specifies the name of the source database Alias: /d1 Format: /database1:SourceDatabaseName |
/database2 | Specifies the name of the destination database Alias: /d2 Format: /database2:DestinationDatabaseName |
/user1 | Specifies the source login when using SQL/MySQL Server authentication Alias: /u1 Format: /user1:sourcelogin Note: You must use this option together with the /password1 switch |
/user2 | Specifies the destination login when using SQL/MySQL Server authentication Alias: /u2 Format: /user2:destinationlogin Note: You must use this option together with the /password2 switch |
Quick tip: If a user is not specified a trusted connection is assumed |
/password1 | Specifies the source login’s password when using SQL/MySQL Server authentication Alias: /p1 Format: /password1:sourcepassword Note: You must use this option together with the /user1 switch |
/password2 | Specifies the destination login’s password when using SQL/MySQL Server authentication Alias: /p2 Format: /password2:destinationpassword Note: You must use this option together with the /user2 switch |
/port1[2] | Specifies the source port Alias: /po1 Format: /port1:sourceport |
/port2[2] | Specifies the destination port Alias: /po2 Format: /port2:destinationport |
Quick tip: If a port is not specified 3306 will be used by default. |
/protocol_type1[2] | Specifies the source protocol type: Tcpip [tcp] – TCP/IP NamedPipe [np] – named pipe |
/protocol_type2[2] | Specifies the destination protocol type: Tcpip [tcp] – TCP/IP NamedPipe [np] – named pipe |
Quick tip: If the protocol type is not specified, TCP/IP will be used. |
/backup1[1] | Specifies the file name of the source backup Alias: /b1 Format: /backup1:”SourceBackup.bak” |
/backup2[1] | Specifies the file name of the destination backup Alias: /b2 Format: /backup2: ”DestinationBackup.bak” |
/backup_set1[1] | Specifies the file name of the source differential backup set Alias: /bs1 Format: /backup_set1: SourceBackupSetName |
/backup_set2[1] | Specifies the file name of the destination differential backup set Alias: /bs2 Format: backup_set2: DestinationBackupSetName |
Quick tip: The full path of a backup file, along with the backup file extension, e.g. .bak, or .trn, has to be defined, so that command could be correct. |
/snapshot1[1] | Specifies the file name of the source snapshot Alias: /sn1 Format: /snapshot1: ”SourceSnapshot.axsnp” |
/snapshot2[1] | Specifies the file name of the destination snapshot Alias: /sn2 Format: /snapshot2: ”DestinationSnapshot.axsnp” |
/sourcecontrol_ folder1[1] |
Specifies the path of the local working folder as the source Alias: /scf1 Format: /sourcecontrol_folder1:”SourceControlFolder Source” |
/sourcecontrol_ folder2[1] |
Specifies the path of the local working folder as the destination Alias: /scf2 Format: /sourcecontrol_folder2:”SourceControlFolder Destination” |
/sourcecontrol_ type1[1] |
Specifies the source control system to be compared as the source:
Alias: /sct1 |
/sourcecontrol_ type2[1] |
Specifies the source control system to be compared as the destination:
Alias: /sct2 |
/sourcecontrol_ server1[1] |
Specifies the name of the source control server used as the source (TFS server, Perforce host) Alias: /scs1 Format: /sourcecontrol_server1:[<protocol>://<hostname>:<portname>/tfs | https:// Format: /sourcecontrol_server1:<protocol>://<hostname>:<portname> (example for Perforce) |
/sourcecontrol_ server2[1] |
Specifies the name of the source control server used as the destination (TFS server, Perforce host) Alias: /scs2 Format: /sourcecontrol_server2:[<protocol>://<hostname>:<portname>/tfs | https:// Format: /sourcecontrol_server2:<protocol>://<hostname>:<portname> (example for Perforce) |
/sourcecontrol_ repository1[1] |
Specifies the repository of the source control server used as the source(Git, Mercurial, Subversion repository, Perforce depot) Alias: /scr1 Format: /sourcecontrol_repository1: <protocol>://<hostname>:<portnumber>/<git_server_name> /<repository> (example for Git repository) Format: /sourcecontrol_repository1:<protocol> ://<hostname>:<portnumber>/<repository>/ (example for Mercurial repository) Format: /sourcecontrol_repository1:<protocol> ://<hostname>:<portnumber>/svn/ <repository>/ (example for Subversion repository) |
/sourcecontrol_ repository2[1] |
Specifies the repository of the source control server used as the destination (Git, Mercurial, Subversion repository, Perforce depot) Alias: /scr2 Format: /sourcecontrol_repository2:<protocol> ://<hostname>:<portnumber>/<git_server_name>/<repository> (example for Git repository) Format: /sourcecontrol_repository2:<protocol>://<hostname>:<portnumber>/<repository> (example for Mercurial repository) Format: /sourcecontrol_repository2:<protocol> ://<hostname>:<portnumber>/svn/<repository>/ (example for Subversion repository) |
/sourcecontrol_ user1[1] |
The login used to connect to the source control server used as the source Alias: /scu1 Format: /sourcecontrol_user1:sourcelogin |
/sourcecontrol_ user2[1] |
The login used to connect to the source control server used as the destination Alias: /scu2 Format: /sourcecontrol_user2:destinationlogin |
/sourcecontrol_ password1[1] |
Specifies the password for the login used as the source /sourcecontrol_user1 Alias: /scp1 Format: /sourcecontrol_password1: sourcepassword |
/sourcecontrol_ password2[1] |
Specifies the password for the login used as the destination/sourcecontrol_user2 Alias: /scp2 Format: /sourcecontrol_password2: destinationpassword |
/sourcecontrol_ branch1[1] |
Specified the branch name for the Git source control type used as the source (“master” if omitted) Alias: /scb1 Format: /sourcecontrol_branch1: “source_branch_name” |
/sourcecontrol_ branch2[1] |
Specified the branch name for the Git source control type used as the destination (“master” if omitted) Alias: /scb2 Format: /sourcecontrol_branch2: “destination_branch_name” |
/sourcecontrol_ project1[1] |
Project path containing script files on the source control server used as the source (Git, Mercurial, Subversion, TFS folder, Perforce workspace) Alias: /scj1 Format: /sourcecontrol_project1:”$/ProjectName” |
/sourcecontrol_ project2[1] |
Project path containing script files on the source control server used as the destination (Git, Mercurial, Subversion, TFS folder, Perforce workspace) Alias: /scj2 Format: /sourcecontrol_project2:”$/ProjectName” |
/get_sources_by_ label_1[1] |
Gets the script files from the source control used as the comparison source by label Alias: /scl1 Format: /get_sources_by_label_1: “SourceLabelName” Note: Omitting this switch will result in getting the latest label |
/get_sources_by_ label_2[1] |
Gets the script files from the source control used as the comparison destination by label Alias: /scl2 Format: /get_sources_by_label_2: “DestinationLabelName” Note: Omitting this switch will result in getting the latest label |
/script_folder1[1] | Specifies the path of the script folder to be used as the source Alias: /sf1 Format: /script_folder1: ”SourceScriptFolder” |
/script_folder2[1] | Specifies the path of the script folder to be used as the destination Alias: /sf2 Format: /script_folder2: ”DestinationScriptFolder” |
/collation1[1] | Specifies the SQL compatibility level of the scripts in the source script folder or source control Alias: /c1 Default: SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS Format: /collation1:collation_constant |
/collation2[1] | Specifies the SQL compatibility level of the scripts in the destination script folder or source control Alias: /c2 Default:SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS Format: /collation2:collation_constant |
/compatibility_ level1[1] |
Specifies the SQL compatibility level of the scripts in the source script folder or source control:
Alias: /cl1 |
/compatibility_ level2[1] |
Specifies the SQL compatibility level of the scripts in the destination script folder or source control:
Alias: /cl2 |
Integration services connection switches[1]
/integration_ services_ packages1 |
Integration services packages used as the source data source Alias: /isp1 Format: /integration_services_packages1: service[:SQL2005|SQL2008|SQL2012| SQL2014|SQL2016].package1…packageN [:password] (service can be: servicesname or [ipaddress]) |
/integration_ services_ packages2 |
Integration services packages used as the destination data source Alias: /isp2 Format: /integration_services_packages2: service[:SQL2005|SQL2008|SQL2012| SQL2014|SQL2016].package1…packageN [:password] (service can be: servicesname or [ipaddress]) |
/package_files1 | Package files used as the source data source Alias: /pfs1 Format: /package_files1:file1 [:password]…fileN[:password] |
/package_files2 | Package files used as the destination data source Alias: /pfs2 Format: /package_files2:file1 [:password]…fileN[:password] |
/sql_server_ packages1 |
SQL Server packages used as the source data source Alias: /ssp1 Format: /sql_server_packages1:server[.user][.password]:package1.package2… packageN[:package_password] (server can be: servername or [ipaddress]) |
/sql_server_ packages2 |
SQL Server packages used as the destination data source Alias: /ssp2 Format: /sql_server_packages2:server[.user] [.password]:package1.package2… packageN[:package_password] (server can be: servername or [ipaddress]) |
/ssisdb_ catalog_ packages1 |
SSISDB catalog packages used as the source data source Alias: /sdbp1 Format: /sql_server_packages2:server[.user] [.password]:package1.package2…packageN [:package_password] (server can be: servername or [ipaddress]) |
/ssisdb_ catalog_ packages2 |
SSISDB catalog packages used as the destination data source Alias: /sdbp2 Format: /ssisdb_catalog_packages2:server[.user] [.password]:package1.package2…packageN [:package_password] (server can be: servername or [ipaddress]) |
/ssis_project_ file1 |
SSIS project file used as the source data source Alias: /sspr1 Format: /ssis_project_file1:file_path |
/ssis_project_ file2 |
SSIS project file used as the destination data source Alias: /sspr2 Format: /ssis_project_file2:file_path |
Specific switches
/project | Specifies a project file path, along with “.axds” extension Alias: /pr Format: /project:”ProjectName.axds” |
Quick tip: If a project file is saved outside of the current directory, specify the path where it’s located. |
/export[1] | Specifies exporting a live database to a snapshot, a script folder, or source control project Alias: /ex Format: /d1:SourceDB /sn1:”SnapshotName.axsnp” /ex |
/output_type | Specifies the primary output format of the comparison results, synchronization script, or executable packages:
Alias: /ot |
/output_type2 | Specifies the secondary output format of the comparison results, synchronization script, or executable packages:
Alias: /ot2 |
/output_name | Specifies the primary output name/folder path of the comparison results, synchronization script or executable packages. (“Synchronize_%date%_%time%.sql” filename, “SchemaDifference_%date%_%time%.html” filename, “SchemaDifference_%date%_%time%.xml” filename, “servername.databasename.exe” filename or “servername.databasename” folder if omitted). Alias: /on Format: /output_name:”Synchronize_%date%_%time%.sql” |
/output_name2 | Specifies the secondary output name/folder path of the comparison results, synchronization script or executable packages. (“Synchronize_%date%_%time%.sql” filename, “SchemaDifference_%date%_%time%.html” filename, “SchemaDifference_%date%_%time%.xml” filename, “servername.databasename.exe” filename or “servername.databasename” folder if omitted). Alias: /on2 Format: /output_name2:“SchemaDifference_%date%_%time%.html” |
Quick tip: Two output files can be generated at once, for example the synchronization script and the HTML report (e.g. /on:Synchronize_%date%_%time%.sql and /on2:SchemaDifference_%date%_%time%.html) |
/objects_to_ synchronize |
Specifies the objects to be synchronized based on their comparison status:
Alias: /ots |
/include | Includes specific objects into the comparison and synchronization process. Objects can be specified by first specifying a bitwise set and a regular expression. Alias: /inc Format: /include:bitwise_constant: “regular_expression1:regular_expression2:…” Example: /include:8:”Address$” (includes all tables that end with Address) Note: Multiple includes can be specified with spaces in between |
/exclude | Excludes specific objects from the comparison and synchronization process. Objects can be specified by first specifying a bitwise set and a regular expression. Alias: /exc Format: /exclude:bitwise_constant: “regular_expression1:regular_expression2:…” Example: /exclude:4:”^Cou” (excludes all views that start with Cou) Note: Multiple excludes can be specified with spaces in between. The /exclude switch is processed after the /include switch (if it is specified) |
/ignore_project_ object_selection |
Ignore object selection specified in the project file Alias: /ipos Format: /ignore_project_object_selection |
/folders_mapping1[1] | Specifies the path to an XML file containing the folder mapping settings for source script folder or source control project data source Alias: /fm1 Format: /folders_mapping1: ”SourceFoldersMapping.xml” |
/folders_mapping2[1] | Specifies the path to an XML file containing the folder mapping settings for destination script folder or source control project data source Alias: /fm2 Format: /folders_mapping2: ”DestinationFoldersMapping. xml” |
/output_elements[1] | Specifies a set of the optional output elements:
Alias: /oe |
/author[1] | Specifies the name of the author in the header of the comparison report or the synchronization script Alias: /auth Format: /author:”John Doe” Note: If the /author switch is specified, its dependent switch and value /output_elements:a need to be provided |
/legal[1] | Specifies legal information in the header of the comparison report or the synchronization script Alias: /leg Format: /leg:”© ApexSQL LLC” Note: If the /legal switch is specified, its dependent switch and value /output_elements:l need to be provided |
General synchronization switches
/encoding | Specifies the output file encoding:
Alias: /enc |
Quick tip: If no output encoding was specified, Unicode encoding is assumed. |
/synchronize | Executes the synchronization script Alias: /sync Format: /synchronize |
/destination tp source | Treat the specified comparison source as the destination Alias: /dts |
/backup[1] | Allows providing the path for the destination backup to be saved to a specific location, or:
Alias: /bu |
Quick tip: The switch /backup should be used along with the switch /synchronize |
/sync_new_objects[1] | Include new objects in the synchronization process that were added to a data source(s) after saving a project file. Alias: /sno Format: /sync_new_objects:bitwise_constant Example: /sync_new_objects:8 (synchronizes all new tables added after creating the project file) Note: The /sno switch can be used only with the /project switch. If the Ignore new objects option is checked in the saved project file, it will be overridden with the /sno switch and only new objects specified with the /sno switch will be synchronized |
/create_snapshot_ before_sync[1] |
Create a snapshot of the destination database before synchronization Alias: /csnp |
/snapshot_ file_name[1] |
The full path and file name for the snapshot, along with a “.axsnp” extension that can be created for destination database, script folder, or source control project. Alias: /sfn Format: /snapshot_file_name: “DestinationSnapshot.axsnp” |
/create_rollback_ script_before_sync[1] |
Create rollback script for destination databases before synchronization Alias: /crbs |
/rollback_script_ file_name[1] |
The full path and file name for the rollback script, along with a “.sql” extension Alias: /rsfn Format: /rollback_script_file_name: “RollbackScript.sql” |
/backup_script_ folder[1] |
Create script folder backup for destination script folder or source control before synchronization Alias: /bsf |
/backup_script_ folder_path[1] |
Full path to the folder for the script folder backup Alias: /bsfp Format: /backup_script_folder_path: “BackupFolderName” |
/sync_options[1] | Specifies the general synchronization options:
Alias: /so |
/sourcecontrol_sync_ comments[1] |
Specifies the synchronization comments Alias: /scsc Format: /sourcecontrol_sync_comments: “CommitComment” |
/sourcecontrol_sync_ label[1] |
Specifies the synchronization label Alias: /scsl Format: /sourcecontrol_sync_label:”LabelName” |
/prescript_file_path[1] | The full path to the pre-processing script file path, along with the “.sql” extension Alias: /prefp Format: /prescript_file_path:”PreScript.sql” |
/postcript_file_path[1] | Full path to the post-processing script file path, along with the “.sql” extension. Alias: /postfp Format: /postscript_file_path:”PostScript.sql” |
/warnings_handling | Specifies warnings handling before the application execution:
Alias: /wh |
/summary_output | The full path and file name for the synchronization summary output along with the “.log” extension (if omitted “C:\Users\UserName\AppData\Local\ApexSQL\ApexSQLDiff\Log\Changes.log” will be used and if omitted for ApexSQL Diff for MySQL “C:\Users\UserName\AppData\Local\ApexSQL\ApexSQLDiff for MySQL\Log\Changes.log” will be used) Alias: /suo Format: /summary_output: “SynchronizationSummary.log” |
/warnings_output | The full path and file name for the synchronization warnings output along with the “.log” extension (if omitted “C:\Users\UserName\AppData\Local\ApexSQL\ApexSQLDiff\Log\Warnings.log” will be used) Alias: /wao Format: /warnings_output:”Warnings.log” |
Comparison switches
/schema_mapping[1] | The full path to the schema mapping file, along with the “.axmp” extension (default schema mapping will be used for comparing objects, if the switch is omitted) Alias: /sm Format: /schema_mapping: ”SchemaMapping.axmp” |
/associate_columns | Specifies the degree of column names similarity for matching, a percentage value, or:
Alias: /ac |
/ignore_general | Specifies the following difference ignoring options:
Alias: /ig |
Quick tip: Applicable switches for ApexSQL Diff for MySQL are:
/ignore_table_ attributes |
Specifies the following table attribute ignoring options:
Alias: /ita |
Quick tip: Applicable switches for ApexSQL Diff for MySQL are:
/ignore_parsing_ errors[1] |
Ignore parsing errors during the comparison process Alias: /ipe Format: ignore_parsing_errors |
/comparison_summary_ output |
Full path and file name for the comparison summary output along with the “.log” extension Alias: /cso Format: /comparison_summary_output: ”ComparisonSummary.log” |
Synchronization switches
/manage_owners[1] | Specifies the following options for schema scripting:
Alias: /mo |
/struct_sync_ options |
Specifies the synchronization script’s structure and scope:
Alias: /sso |
Quick tip: • Applicable switches for ApexSQL Diff for MySQL are:
Reporting switches
/html_report_ options |
Set of primary HTML report options:
Alias: /hro |
/html_report_ options2 |
Set of secondary HTML report options:
Alias: /hro2 |
/html_schema_ report_options |
Set of primary HTML schema report options:
Alias: /hsro |
/html_schema_ report_options2 |
Set of secondary HTML schema report options:
Alias: /hsro2 |
/xml_export_ options |
Set of primary XML schema export options:
Alias: /xeo |
/xml_export_ options2 |
Set of primary XML schema export options:
Alias: /xeo2 |
/excel_report_ options |
A set of primary Excel report options:
Alias: /ero |
/excel_report_ options2 |
A set of secondary Excel report options:
Alias: /ero2 |
Package switches[1]
/package_ compression |
Reduces the size of the resulting executable by using compression Alias: /pkcm Format: /package_compression |
/package_error | Sets the package error handling (“ask” if omitted):
Alias: /pke |
/package_author | Places the author tag into the about box of the package. Alias: /pkaa Format: /package_author:Author_name |
/package_company | Places the company tag into the about box of the package. Alias: /pkca Format: /package_company:Company_name |
/package_legal | Places the legal tag into the about box of the package Alias: /pkal Format: /package_comments:Comments |
/vs_ver | Sets package Visual Studio version (“VS2015” if omitted):
Alias: /vsv |
/indicate_ default_db |
Sets the default database the generated package should be executed against. Alias: /ddb Format: /indicate_ default_db:”Database_name” |
/create_mfs | Creates a manifest file that contains the information regarding OS compatibility versions and sets the Windows user account control level to allow the application to run without any additional permissions. Alias: /cmf |
/create_dat | Creates a .dat file that contains SQL/MySQL code for creating new or updating the existing database. Alias: /cdf |
/create_com | Creates a CLI (Command Line Interface) executable for the package. Alias: /ccf |
/run_exe_now | Runs the created executable installer immediately upon generating. Alias: /ren |
/open_in_vs | Opens the generated C# solution in Visual Studio upon creation. Alias: /ovs |
Additional switches
/return_error_ code_on_equal |
Forces return code 102 – no differences detected, if the compared data sources are equal, otherwise the application returns 0 return code – success. Alias: /rece |
Learn more about additional switches from the article on this link.
Return codes
ApexSQL applications have two groups of return error codes:
Common return error codes – learn more about these from here
Specific return error codes – for ApexSQL Diff it’s the:
101 – The output file creating failed
102 – No differences detected
Note: All examples assume that the current directory is the application directory. If not, the full path to must be specified.
Compare the structure of two local databases: /d1:AdventureWorks2008 /d2:AdventureWorks2012 /d1:World /u1:root /p1:password /d2:Menagerie /u2:root /p2:password
Compare the structure of two databases on different servers: /s1:SourceServer /d1:AdventureWorks2008 /s2:DestinationServer /d2:AdventureWorks2012
Compare the structure of two databases on different servers using authentication: /s1:SourceServer /d1:AdventureWorks2008 /u1:SourceMaster /p1:passtopass /s2:DestinationServer /d2:AdventureWorks2012 /u2:DestinationChange /p2:changes /s1:SourceServer /d1:world /u1:SourceLogin /p2:SourcePassword /s2:DestinationServer /d2:menagerie /u2:DestinationLogin /p2:DestinationPassword
Compare the structure between a snapshot and source control, define collation and compatibility level[1]: /sn1:”SourceSnapshot.axsnp” /sct2:teamfoundationserver /scs2:“” /scu2:DestSourceControlUser /scp2:dscupass /scr2:”$/ProjectName” /c2:SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS /cl2:2017
Compare the structure between a database backup and a script folder, define collation and compatibility level[1]: /b1:”SourceBackup.bak” /sf2:”DestinationScriptFolder” /c2:SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS /cl2:2017
Using a project file, overriding the destination username and password with switches, and specifying the path to the synchronization script: /pr:”SyncProject.axds” /u2:UserChanges /p2:passiton /on:”SyncScript.sql” /pr:”SyncProject.axdm” /u1:SourceLogin /p1:SourcePassword /u2:DestinationLogin /p2:DestinationPassword /ot:Sql /on:”SyncScript.sql”
Using a project file, overriding the destination username and password with switches, specifying comparison summary file path, specifying the synchronization summary file path, enable script database names, ignore object selection in the project file and synchronize: /pr:”SyncProject.axdm” /u1:SourceLogin /p1:SourcePassword /u2:DestinationLogin /p2:DestinationPassword /cso:”ComparisonSummary.log” /wao:”SyncronizationWarnings.log” /sso:scn /ipos /sync
Using an argument file, e.g. “argfile.xml”, to execute commands: /argfile:”ArgumentFile.xml” /argfile:”ArgumentFile.xml”
Compare the structure between views which are named “Resources” on different servers, using SQL Server authentication, set the ignore table attributes options, specify xml as output type, specify the path of the comparison report, backup the destination database, synchronize, and display all messages on the processed operation [1]: /s1:SourceServer /d1:AdventureWorks2008 /u1:SourceMaster /p1:passtopass /s2:DestinationServer /d2:AdventureWorks2012 /u2:DestinationChange /p2:changes /inc:4:^Resources$ /ita:ico ifd is iisi ifti /on:”Export.xml” /ot:xml /bu:”Backups” /sync /v
Compare the structure between a script folder with a defined collation and compatibility level and a database using SQL Server authentication, set structure synchronization options, set general ignore options, display all messages on the processed operation, specify the path of the synchronization script, set structure of html report options, display all messages on the processed operation, and overwrite the existing synchronization script [1]: /sf1:”SourceScriptFolder” /c1: SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS /cl1:2017 /s2:DestinationServer /d2:AdventureWorks2012 /u2:DestinationChange /p2:changes /sso:iddo cfoe /ig:ip ic iep icm /on:”SyncScript.sql” /shtmo:i s coo /v /f
Compare the structure between objects specified in Object filter settings file, on different servers, set the ignore table attributes options, specify xml as output type, specify the path of the comparison report, synchronize, and display all messages on the processed operation [2]: /s1:SourceServer /d1:world /u1:SourceLogin /p1:SourcePassword /s2:DestinationServer /d2:menagerie /u2:DestinationLogin /p2:DestinationPassword /ofs:”ObjectFilterSettings.axof” /ita:Icn /on:”Export.xml” /ot:Xml /sync /v
Compare the structure between two local databases, set structure synchronization options, set general ignore options, specify the path of the synchronization script, set structure of html report options, display all messages on the processed operation, and overwrite the existing synchronization script [2]: /d1:world /u1:root /p1:SourcePassword /d1:menagerie /u2:root /p2:DestinationPassword /sso:Iddo udc /ig:Icin /on:”SyncScript.sql” /shtmo:i s co /v /f
Compare the structure between two databases on different servers, specify ports, set protocol type, set associate columns (degree of similarity), specify the synchronization summary file path, and synchronize only objects that are missing from destination database [2]: /s1:SourceServer /d1: menagerie /u1:root /u2:SourcePassword /s2:DestinationServer /d2:world /u2:root /p2:DestinationPassword /po1:SourcePort /po2:DestinationPort /pt1:np /pt2:np /suo:”SynchronizationSummary.log” /ac:50 /ots:m /sync