ApexSQL BI Monitor – Permissions and requirements

ApexSQL BI Monitor – Permissions and requirements


The article details the necessary set of permissions and requirements for installing and using ApexSQL BI Monitor

  • What is the minimum set of permissions for installing ApexSQL BI Monitor?

The Windows account must be a local or domain administrator. The account must also exist as a SQL Server login with sysadmin role permissions

  • What is the minimum set of permissions for using the application after installation?

A local or domain administrator permission for ApexSQL BI Monitor service user. Communication with the application Web server requires a free port. Default ports are 5005 (HTTP), and 4444 (HTTPS), but they can be changed to meet the system requirements

  • What are necessary permissions for local BI services?

    • Windows:

      • Membership in the Windows Performance Log and Performance Monitor Users, and the Event Log Readers
      • To access ApexSQL BI Monitor repository database: Create Database Rights, read and write privileges on the target SQL Server Instance.
    • SQL Server:

      • Fixed sysadmin role – required only for the initial application use
      • After initial application use: VIEW ANY DATABASE, VIEW SERVER STATE, and VIEW ANY DEFINITION
  • What permissions are needed for remote BI services?

    • Windows:

      • Performance Monitor and Performance Log Users, and Event Log Readers group membership
    • SQL Server permissions:

      • A Windows account with VIEW ANY DATABASE, VIEW SERVER STATE, and VIEW ANY DEFINITION permission on SQL Server instances that hosts monitored BI services
    • Requirements:

      • The Remote Registry service running on the remote computer
      • Enable Windows Firewall to allow inbound remote administration exception and allow unsolicited incoming messages from IP addresses where ApexSQL BI Monitor is installed.
        Settings path: Local Computer Policy -> Computer Configuration -> Administrative Templates -> Network -> Network Connections – > Windows Firewall -> Domain Profile
      • Disabled Run all administrators in Admin Approval Mode (computer restart is required).
        Settings path: Local Computer Policy -> Computer Configuration -> Windows Settings -> Security Settings -> Local Policies -> Security Options
      • Ports 139 and 445 to enable collecting of Windows performance counters

  • What software requirements must be met for the use of ApexSQL BI Monitor?

The System requirements page lists all ApexSQL BI Monitor software requirements

  • What are the minimal hardware requirements?

Hardware requirements for ApexSQL BI Monitor are equal to those needed for SQL Server.

Use of the multi-core and/or multi-processor system is recommended because ApexSQL BI Monitor utilizes parallelism for fast processing of collected information.

Some additional storage space requirement is needed, depending on the data retention policy and configuration. The below data are valid for the default configuration of ApexSQL BI Monitor:

  • 1 – 2 GB per monitored BI service where a 1-year data retention policy is applied